Descriptions & Equivalents
- babbling away
- bent his ear
- blabber
- blather
- blowhard
- changed the narrative
- chatbot
- chatter
- confide
- crosstalk
- diarrhea of the mouth
- driveling idiot
- flapped his gums
- hector
- jibber jabber
- let the cat out of the bag
- motor mouth
- muttering to himself
- never-ending harangue
- overshared his information
- prattle
- rambling monologue
- shoot the breeze
- shot his mouth off,
- some back and forth
- spit when she talked
- spewed out a lot of gobbledegook
- talk IRL (in real life),
- talked my ear off
- told stupid jokes
- was quite the chatterbox
- yakked about
Talk. Communicate in words with someone. He talked my ear off about his new product, the solar powered mustache trimmer.
Photo by Gratisography from Pexels
“I love to talk about nothing. It’s the only thing I know anything about.”