Descriptions & Equivalents
- abscessed
- acid ate at her stomach
- afflicted
- at death's doorstep
- barfing
- battling cancer
- brother gave her the flu
- catch your death
- Center for Disease Control
- chronic
- congested
- contaminated
- covered with sores
- deadly
- debilitating
- deteriorating medical condition
- don't feel good
- down with a cold
- drove the porcelain bus
- exhibited flu-like symptoms
- explosive diarrhea
- extremely critical condition
- hemorrhaging blood
- high viral load
- in critical condition
- indigestion like you wouldn't believe
- infected
- just a cold
- lethal pandemic
- life-threatening
- looked like death warmed over
- made me throw up
- nauseated
- on life support
- projectile vomiting
- puked
- quarantined
- reported a fever and gastrointestinal symptoms
- right to die
- sicker than a dog
- sneezed
- snot rockets
- something's going around
- stage IV pancreatic cancer
- stricken
- stuffy nose
- tested positive for the lethal virus
- took a turn for the worse
- transmitted by a cough or a sneeze
- tummy-ache
- turning green
- vomiting everywhere
- was told to let it run its course
Sick: become medically unstable for one or many reasons. Can be vary in intensity from slight to terminal. Amy became sick after inhaling paint fumes.