Descriptions & Equivalents
- behind closed doors
- between you and me and the bedpost
- closemouthed
- could not even beat it out of her
- covert
- dirty little secret
- encrypted
- eschews the obvious
- event was shrouded in secrecy and intrigue
- hiding her tracks
- hush-hush
- I ain't telling
- identity remained confidential
- in cahoots
- I will carry your secret to my grave
- kept a low profile
- my lips are zipped
- mum's the word
- no one knew what she was up to
- not in the least bit forthcoming
- played his cards close to his vest
- shrouded in mystery
- surreptitious
- three can keep a secret if two of them are dead
- tightlipped
- top-secret clearance
- unmarked entrance
- you couldn't scare it out of me