Descriptions & Equivalents
- aired his thoughts
- air-quoted
- babbled
- bantered
- blabbed
- blurted out
- called out
- caught talking to myself
- choked the words out
- commented from the doorway
- could barely speak
- croak
- countered
- cut in
- faltered
- forced whisper
- gave a measured response
- gravelly voice
- grumbled
- grunted
- hesitated
- in a cold flat voice
- leaked the information
- like he rehearsed it
- mouthed the words
- mumble
- murmur
- mute testimony
- mutter
- offered
- pantomimed
- paraphrased
- prodded
- rasped between closed teeth
- rattled off
- right from the horse's mouth
- said bitterly/contemptuously
- said little
- said to no one in particular
- schmooze
- scolded
- shot back
- shrugged
- sighed
- signed
- slurred her words
- smile in his voice
- snapped
- speaking slowly
- spilled the beans
- spittle sprayed when he talked
- spoke out of the side of his mouth
- stammer
- stutter
- swallowed dryly
- swore
- taking a deep breath first
- trash talked
- trembling voice
- through clenched teeth
- told you so
- uttered
- voice cracking
- voice stretched out
- whispered in my ear
- words shot out of her mouth like a machine gun
- yammered
Said. To relate words orally. Robyn said she was going to stop by her house before she went bowling.