Descriptions & Equivalents
- attacked with a ball-peen hammer
- belt
- bitch slap
- body-check
- body slam
- bone-cracking wallop
- boom
- boxed his ears
- chicken wing slap
- clawed his eyes out
- clip
- clobbered
- clock
- clothesline
- cold cocked me
- crack
- dimly aware of something hitting her in the back of the head
- flash on
- gave him an old fashioned thumping
- gonna brain you
- hip checked
- hit him from the neck down
- horsewhipped
- kill it
- knee-cap
- knocked him into next Tuesday
- knocked his teeth down his throat
- knuckle sandwich
- leveled him
- made solid contact
- maul
- my hand met his chin
- pelt
- pistol-whipped the victim
- pop
- pounded his face in
- pummel
- punch
- round-house
- smack
- smash your face
- socked me in the arm
- sucker punch
- swatted down
- swift kick to the pants
- swung at
- thump
- took a swing at
- torpedo
- upper cut
- walloped to within an inch of his life
- whacked him with a two-by-four
- whomped him
- whup upside the head
Hit. To make contact with another person in a physically hurtful way. Mr. Porter was alleged to have hit both of his ex-wives.