Descriptions & Equivalents
- asphyxiated
- bled out
- boat capsized
- bought it
- bought the farm
- brain dead
- brave have fallen
- called home by the lord
- condolences may be expressed online
- dearly departed
- deceased
- died before his time
- died a horrible death
- died from alcohol poisoning
- died from an overdose of bad heroin
- died from a self-inflicted wound to the chest
- died from massive blunt injuries to the head
- died in the front yard of his home
- drove his car off a cliff
- dying wish
- entered peacefully into heaven
- fatal overdose
- heart stopped
- his number was up
- it was curtains for him
- keeled over
- left this earth
- life ended tragically
- life got cut short
- man's body pulled from lake
- met his maker
- offered our condolences
- passed away due to complications from surgery
- passed on
- perished
- postmortem
- stopped breathing
- succumbed to his injuries
- sudden and tragic loss
- suffered massive cardiac arrest
- taken to the hospital where he succumbed to his injuries
- toddler drowned in neighbor's pool
- unresponsive
- went belly up
- went home to be with his Lord and Savior
- went limp
- went tits up
- went to heaven
- will be greatly missed
Died. Past tense of the word die. To no longer exist after the initial act of no longer existing. Everyone was really happy that the old man died in his sleep.