Descriptions & Equivalents
- blue
- broke down in the shower
- broken spirit
- bummed out
- can't keep a job
- couldn't concentrate/sleep/eat/get out of bed
- cries all the time
- delusional
- drinks alone
- fatalism
- felt like my feelings were trivialized
- forgot to take his meds
- got dark early
- had trouble making decisions
- hasn't been outside in a month
- hasn't smiled in twenty years,
- hit rock bottom
- hopelessness/worthlessness
- lethargic
- like a dark fog
- negative thoughts ate at me like a hungry dog on a raw steak
- overshares on social media
- seasonal affective disorder
- self-mutilation
- sexual appetite gone
- thoughts of suicide
- tried to drink away his problems
- weeklong headache
- went into a tailspin
- wet blanket
Depressed. Deeply sad, usually for an extended period of time. Amanda was depressed because she hated her body. She thought she was too fat.
Photo by Asdrubal luna on Unsplash