Descriptions & Equivalents
- affair
- behind her husband's back
- burned me bad
- came up short
- caught in flagrante delicto
- cheated on his wife
- conned
- coveting thy neighbor's wife
- cribbed answers
- did it when my back was turned
- doing it with your best friend's lover
- double crosser
- duped
- duplicitous
- flimflammed
- fooling around
- fucking other people
- gamed the system
- had a mistress
- husband smelled like another woman's perfume
- in bed with the enemy
- infidelity
- knowingly filed a false return
- leading a double life
- love triangle
- misstated the truth on purpose
- nooner with a co-worker
- other woman
- peeked at the other player's cards
- philandering
- play around
- play dirty
- pulled the wool over your eyes
- scammed
- serial con artist
- short end of the stick
- side-chick
- sneaking around
- snookered
- spoiled the ending
- swinging lifestyle
- took him to the cleaners
- tryst
- unagreed without stipulating
- went behind her husband's back
- wife-swapped
- wrote down the wrong number on purpose
Cheat. To deal with a person on situation in a dishonest way. If I had known my girlfriend was going to cheat on me I would have never taken her to Hawaii.
Photo by Inês Ferreira on Unsplash