Descriptions & Equivalents
- bargain-priced
- being nickel-and-dimed
- bleed you to death with his parsimony
- budget-conscious
- budget-minded
- cheap bastard
- cheap date
- cheapskating
- chintzy
- comparatively paltry payment
- cut-rate
- dirt cheap
- economizing
- extreme couponing
- generic brands
- jumped over dollars to save pennies
- knows how to squeeze a penny
- let's not break the bank
- loves a bargain
- make a penny scream
- modestly priced
- moocher
- orders water and crackers
- saved a few bucks where he could
- shoe-string budget
- skimps on everything
- sneaking candy into the movies
- squeezes a nickel 'til the buffalo poops
- stretch your dollars
- tight-fisted
- tightwad
- uses only half a paper plate at a time
- wallet-friendly
Cheap. Not worth much money or does not want to spend much money. Some people called Tom cheap because he saved his pennies whenever he could.
Photo by Jonathan Brinkhorst on Unsplash