Descriptions & Equivalents
- amputation
- bamboo shoots under the fingernails
- confinement in boxes
- created a mind virus with vague threats
- dietary manipulations
- electric shock
- elicited actionable intelligence
- enhanced interrogation techniques (EIT)
- extended sleep deprivation
- feet were gnawed at by rodents
- handcuffed to an overhead bar for twenty hours
- hanging by limbs
- hard labor
- harsh interrogation methods
- long term isolation
- mock executions
- mutilation
- officers exceeded authorized techniques
- penetrating injuries
- piped-in motivational recordings
- pulled teeth with no Novocaine
- pureed and rectally infused
- rape
- rectal rehydration
- routine beatings
- shackled in the standing position for two days
- starvation
- walling
- waterboarding