Descriptions & Equivalents
- bitch and moan
- bitch list
- carping
- crybaby
- cursing under his breath
- decried his predicament
- fucking with you
- griped about his bad back
- grouse
- grumbled under his breath
- had something bad to say about everyone and everything
- if it weren't for bad luck - I'd have no luck at all
- kvetch extensively
- life is no picnic
- long list of complaints
- muttering
- nothing good ever happens to me
- peevish rant
- puts everyone else down
- screamed bloody murder
- what a bunch of whiners
- whimper
- whine
- won't keep his opinions to himself
Complain. To make note that a situation is other than what you like. Donald like to complain that the media did not correctly portray him.