Descriptions & Equivalents
- amped up
- anti-lock brakes
- battered exterior
- battery was dead
- beater
- bullet-riddled car
- can you drive me a couple blocks
- car found abandoned in supermarket parking lot
- car rocked up and down when they drove
- checked the owner's manual
- chugging motor
- circled the block several times
- clunker
- cracked the passenger door
- crumpled right fender
- cut the ignition
- dashboard lights lit up
- defroster running
- drunk driver behind the wheel
- dusty dashboard
- edged along in traffic
- engine coughed
- engine turned over
- engine idling
- fast lane
- flashed his high beams
- fired it up
- four-wheeled beauty
- fuzzy dice dangling on the rear-view mirror
- gas hog
- gassed it up
- grinded it
- gunned it
- hoopty
- hot rod
- hummed
- idling in the driveway
- keyed the engine
- kicked the tires
- lurched forward and down
- manual transmission
- no cars in the driveway
- oil eater
- old rattletrap
- one sweet ride
- out of gas and stranded
- piece of shit
- plastic where the window's supposed to be
- poor man's Cadillac
- popped the headlights
- pressed his foot on the accelerator
- primed the carburetor
- pumped the gas a couple of times
- ran out of gas
- radio turned up
- rattled to a stop
- revved the engine
- running on empty
- shaking
- shut the engine off
- slid across two lanes
- smog check
- smoked his tires stopping so fast
- speeding ticket magnet
- sputtering
- station wagon with wood paneling
- stuck in neutral
- ticketed
- tires screaming into the night
- tires splashed mud
- tromped on the gas pedal
- turned the nose of the car
- under the floorboard
- unregistered late-model blue Mustang
- well-tuned
- whined
- wipers on
Car. Vehicle with four wheels that gets you from point A to point B. After I bought my new car I felt like I had a better chance to make to work on time.
Photo by Serge Kutuzov on Unsplash